Here's where you learn my perspective on all the 'maybe' relationships with the team members.
Bobby/Jubilee: I love this pairing. They're perfect for each other and now that jubes is back (acession pt. 2) maybe there's
hope for this-examples of their affection: bobby made jubes an ice ballerina, they constantly hang out together, bobby saved
her from a laser in Day of Reckoning pt. 1
bobby/Amara: nope I don't like this one much
bobby/Rahne: this one just wouldn't work out right
bobby/tabby: nope tabbys destined for bigger and better things
Roberto/Jubilee: Well she did give him a glance or two but I don't think it's the greatest-or good for that matter
Roberto/Amara: Lots has been seen of this relationship but I dont' like it too much
More to come!!!